Thursday, 27 December 2012



Mommy is just too contented sbb dpt grabbed a 8-piece gift set for my little munchkin just before the sale ended yesterday at Mothercare! [Walaupun terpakse go through all the nonsense traffic congestion within that short lunch-hour break!] Memang lame dah aim set ni, cume bile tgk rpice-tag die, mcm reluctant je nk beli..but Alhamdulillah waktu sale ni ade 20% off...bolehla kan daripada original price tu? [menyedapkan hati sendiri..] *wide smile*

cheers! salam...

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Boxing day


It's the boxing day sale today!!!

I wish I'm in the UK at the moment untuk ber-boxing!!! Especially now that I have quite a long list of things to buy for the little munchkin...huuuu...

I remembered the last time I was there, ms ff and friends sanggup queue since 4am in the morning just for boxing day... call that kerja gila and indeed it was quite a kerja-gila! haha..but we enjoyed it though!

ok ok..enough of the boxing day madness photos though...nnt lagi tension pule melihat gambar2 ini...urghhhh...

cheers! salam...

Monday, 24 December 2012

Checklist: Feeding items


Loving to do all the research I need, here ms ff has come up with the items which are deemed necessary (depends on individuals) for feeding items.

For bottle feeding items:

  • bottles - depends on how many you mums would like to have but for ms ff, i just bought a starter set which contains 4 bottles
  • teat and bottle brush
  • bottle steriliser
  • milk dispenser/container - tapi kalau nak breastfeed, this thing tak beli lagi pon takpe
  • hot-water flask
  • warmer bag

For breast-feeding items:
  • breastpump
  • cooler bag/cooling aid
  • bottle warmer - yang ni kalau u nak panaskan EBM yg dalam bottle tu, then this item i think is quite necessary
  • nursing tops - sekarang banyak je jual nursing shawl yang shantek2 kan.. :)
  • nursing bras
  • breast/nursing pads
  • nursing pillows/support - yang ni optional saja...kalau nak jimat, takada item ni pon doesnt affect much..
  • nipple cream
This is so far what I can get from my research...Feel free untuk tambah dalam list ni...Sharing is caring...

okie dokie...cheers! salam...

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Melancholy weather

Cuaca yang suram dan muram pada pagi ini sedikit pun tidak menjejaskan perasaanku pada pagi ini. Rasa syukur dan berterima kasih kepada Yang Maha Esa atas apa yang berlaku disekelilingku membuatkan diriku merasa dekat sahaja dengan Yang Maha Pencipta. Terima kasih ya Allah atas segala nikmat yang telah dikurniakan kepadaku. Sesungguhnya nikmat yang telah diberikan kepadaku adalah tidak terhitung nilainya!


Don't know why suddenly feels like writing something like this. Huuu...

*Not bad jugak BM ms ff ni...kuikui...;P *

okie dokie..cheers! salam...

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Recent baby expo


baru-baru ni kan ade baby ekspo..asalnye saja je nak pegi tgk2 and tak plan nak membeli belah pon..

tup tup..nahhh...amik hang...

garu kepala je hubby tersayang...huhu..


mommy ff tetap pueh ati sbb semua items yang dah diborong tu were wayyy cheaper than the market price..i suke kalo ade reduction price cenggini..ngehehe..

for example, this pureen baby wipes..

market price: rm12.90, expo price: rm9.00

baby swaddle ni plak cheaper jugak than the one that ms ff penah jumpe sblm ni..cheaper by up to rm10 kalo tak silap..

berbaloi2 kan?

so the take home message yg ms ff rase boleh di-adapt oleh org lain:

1. do some market research, mommies.

2. just grab whichever item which u think is more expensive elsewhere.

are those message helpful? ke lagi merabakkan poket korang? lol...

okie dokie...cheers! salam...

Monday, 17 December 2012



Alhamdulillah ms ff has managed to get herself a breastfeeding pump!!! was quite a task jugak utk nak decide which breast pump to get coz there's definitely pleeeenty of it in the market now...

so after googling here n there, ms ff decided to go for MEDELA Freestyle!

Why Freestyle?

1. Portability - this is the utmost criteria that I look about when googling for breastpumps.

2. No need power supply - im a working mom, so i need to express the precious milk for my little munchkin at the office. Leceh la kalau all the time nak kena duduk pump kt tepi power supply kan? hehe..

3. Double pumps - well well, time-savvy!

Ape lagi eh? oh, the tote bag sangat cantik! heee...

These are just parts of it.

I got this pump through my friend who visited US a few weeks back and ms ff was quite lucky that her friend was willing to get the pump for her...sangat terharu hokey! huhu...

the best part of ff beli pump ini wayyyyy cheaper than the market price in msia. in msia, from what ms ff dah survey2, kalo beli dekat kedai, the range is from rm2000-2500. tapi kalau ade expo atau ade sale, price can go to rm1700-1900.

the price that i got for my lil munchkin punye pump is ONLY rm12++. quite a huge difference huh? ngehehehee...

okeylah, harus kembali bekerja..curik2 lunchtime kejap je ni (tp ni pon terlajak sikit..huhu..)

cheers! salam...

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Wedding Review: Videographer


Ok I know I've passed the wedding prep-event stage already but naahhh..still ms ff wants to update about the ms ff's event last 8 months ago...that long of a time to publish about the wedding??? haha...well, x kesah lah...macam lah orang bace entry ni sangat kan...kehkeh...

Well to be honest I don't know which part of my wedding shall I review first, but I thought "hey, why don't I publish my wedding video first then only I'll review about the rest" least orang ade idea sikit how things looked like kan during the event...and yeah again, macam lah orang bace sangat blog ni kan..lame!

Waktu buat research about videographers, my main preference would be the reknown Manggis Production. Tapi makaihhhh...after mintak quotation, mmg A habes sampai ms ff rase nooooo, I shoudn't be spending that amount of money just for the videography. In fact, if according to my budget, manggis's price was doubled than my budget...tapi manggis punye video sangat lah superb hokey! so, manggis mmg dah tolak tepi.

Lepas tu ade la ask around a few other videogs and sbb semuanya mcm terlalu mahal and rase tak berbaloi2, jadi ingat nk lupekan saje amik any videographer! mmg dah decide utk give it a big N-O!!! huhhh..mmg sungguh emo waktu nk come up to the decision...nak-nak pulak mr fiance-at-the-time byk bebel2 psl budget and everything, jd mmg mengukuhkan lg decision utk forget everything about videography...

So, yes..I got to know about my videographer through my bestfriend...and at that time, this videog of mine was just a baby in the the price given was way below the market price...kan memule tu dah decide utk nk lupakan je psl videog nih, tp looking at the price that they offered made me thought akhirnya amikla jugak videog ini...tapi hanyalah untuk solemnization ff didn't put much expectation for the whole videography thing since I know they're a newbie in this whole videography world...

Tapi mashaAllah, ff berpuas hati! tidaklah sehebat dan segempak manggis tapi at least its worth for what i paid...working with them was good...cuma satu je...until now ms ff masih tak dapat lagi the cd copy of my event's video...haha..blame they not for it might have been a fault on my side as well as I did not do any follow ups..but I bet things can be solved inshaAllah since these people are easy to work with...

eh did i mention who my videographer was??? oh, belum rupenye...they're the La Televisio team pioneered by a married couple of the name Adib and Akma...both are easy to work with I tell you... :)

Okey, enough's the video of my solemnization event...enjoy!

cheers! salam...

Thursday, 18 October 2012



Malam semalam just right before tido, ms ff saje2 la browse2 facebook (like I usually do before sleep) and ter-bump into this one promo pasal baby's bottle-feeding accessories...mule2 tu macam nak buat dunno je, tapi bile dah baring2 tak tgk fb tu, teringat2 pulak pasal promo tadi tu...dalam otak kate 'takpe, lambat lagi our baby schmall nak keluar'..tapi hati plak kate 'kena start sekarang jugak or else bile lagi kan?'...gaduh-gaduh sendiri otak ngan hati, maka nya kata hati jugak menang..huhu..jadi ms ff pon lompat la balik dr katil and turn on laptop..terus je nak search2 pasal breast-pumps and those feeding necessities tu...

[tapi hangat2 tahi ayam je..only a few minutes googling around tapi rase tak belajar ape2...kuikui.. ;P ]

so arini time break ni, tetibe terase nak read up pasal breastfeeding and all the necessary info with regards to the topic..

so dlm mase yg pendek google tu, terjumpe la this one site, which ms ff thinks ms ff learnt sumthing from it...

you peeps can just go readup the whole article here, but ms ff nak highlight sikit which ms ff rase important utk mommy-to-be yang zero-knowledge mcm ms ff ni tahu...
  • EBM (expressed breast milk) tu mesti cepat2 kita masukkan dalam fridge kalo milk tu kita nak buat utk stok
  • kalau kita travel, gune ice atau ice-pack beku tu utk bg EBM tu sejuk sentiasa
  • bile kita bekukan milk tu, jangan lupa utk tulis tarikh bile kita bekukan. pastu, simpan dekat blkg2 freezer tu sbb theoretically, bhgn depan freezer tu esp dkt pintu freezer adalah spot lebih panas drp bhgn blkg freezer tu sbb kita selalu bukak tutup pintu tu freezer tu kan. [now baru ms ff tahu kenapa kadang2 bile kengkawan upload gmbr EBM diorg, misti ade tarikh kat EBM pack/bottle tu...cheh..sgtla naive ms ff! ]
  • cairkan EBM tu dengan just rendamkan dia dlm air suam bile nak gune...jgn microwavekan atau didihkan EBM tu
  • jangan campurkan EBM yang dah simpan tu dgn freshly expressed BM
  • jangan bekukan EBM tu kalau EBM tu dh cair
  • kalau EBM tu dah tak boleh gune, is much more recommended untuk buang kan je EBM tu...

alrighty, happy learning mommies...cheers! salam...

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Back from snoring...


Hello? hellooo?? helllllloooooowwww??!! Nampak sangat dah berabuk blog ini...lama betul tiada hapdet apa2 blog ini...sungguh malas betul ms ff ini...hehe...but now ms ff is back from snoring and sleeping distantly from this blog.. :)

Alhamdulillah, ms ff and mr hubster have already been married for nearly 7 months..lagi 2 hari cukup 7 months we've been solemnized...alhamdulillah also married life has been blessed with 'a bun in the oven', partially 'baked'..hehe..our little miracle is now just 4 1/2 months in mommy's womb...another halfway to go before our little miracle would see the world... :)

For the first time, we're showing this to others...heee...the 2nd potrait of our miracle..the first one was taken when this little miracle was at week 13...See that pose? hehe..sangat bergaya lah pose our little miracle ni.. :)

[Our little miracle at week 17]

oh sangat terlalu banyak stories yang ms ff tidak it the wedding stories, the married-life story and the journey of another amazing life experience i.e. promises but will try to slowly...

Sister-in-law will be getting married next my wedding research will still go on walaupon ms ff sudah pun melepasi phase itu...i'd still put my binos on peeps... :)

okie doks..harus manjalankan tanggungjawab as a ms wifey pula i.e gosok baju utk keje esok...cheers! salam...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Countdown: 58 hari

happy new yearrrr! huh? ape? dh basi? its still at the very beginning of the year what... huhu... year means new resolution ait? itulah adalah standard..hehe...


surprisingly ms ff xsempat menyempat nak berfikir secara seriousnye about my resolutions...

all i know is that this year is going to be a huge change in my life in the sense that my life dictionary will no longer be just ' I or ME ' but instead, it will soon become ' WE or US ' inshaAllah...and semoga segala proses utk menukar term 'WE' tersebut dipermudahkan...ameen...

time flies me-man-to-be pon sudah pulang dengan gumbiranye with a scroll of his master's degree and the W-day is approaching soon...aaaa...semakin soon sampai rase kegelabahan ayam yang melampau!

progress? hmm..

card? checked!
baju? checked!
pelamin? not yet!
legal documents? not yet!
door gift? not yet!
photographer? not yet!

ahhhh! terlalu sgt banyak not yet ni? malas lah nak list down kan...stress! huhu...

tapi takpe..utk menyedapkan hati seniri, ms ff ade lagi 58 hari lagi..tape tape...[padahal dh suntuk GILE dah!] 

okey..bebel sikit je arini...hehe... cheers! salam...